A Marketer's Guide to:
The E-Learning Industry

Latana Brand Tracking
Berlin, Germany

Learning anything you want from the comfort of your own home — or anywhere in the world, for that matter — sounded utopian a few years ago. But now, the e-learning industry is booming.

In fact, the number of learners in massive open online courses (MOOCs) increased from 300,000 to 220 million in the past decade. And with the increase in demand for online education, the market has become more competitive, as established and new brands alike race to meet that demand.

But why exactly has e-learning become so popular? What’s the history behind this up-and-coming industry, and what do brands need to know to thrive in this fast-moving space? This guide will provide answers to these questions and more — with three exclusive case studies on e-learning brands using Latana’s very own brand tracking data.

Download the guide here.

Design Coordinator: Ekaterina Golovanova
Graphic Design: Makoto Saito
Content: Joy Corkery and Cory Schroeder