This Is Not a Book.
Tohoku University of Art and Design
Yamagata, Japan
「これは本ではない」 is a concept student artwork developed during the first-semester course at the Graphic Design department of TUAD. The main goal of the course was to learn how to develop a piece of art from scratch, by researching, defining a strong concept, prototyping, and bring to a conclusion.
As a start, based on the theme “this is not a book”, research and discussions regarding the book as a artifact were made in order to get insightful information which guide the students to develop a initial concept having the book itself as a core.
The fingerprints through the whole book represent the concept of “identity” that every book carries, as does the author who wrote it, or the person who read it.

Additional credits: Professors Keiichi Bando and Kenji Aihara